navidium shipping protection

navidium shipping protection

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the mōmi difference.
same latch. different nipple.

Duct demonstration ainmation
solid nipple, single duct.

The mōmi nipple has a single duct running through the center. This enables your baby to regulate the flow of milk by compression with the tongue, just as with your own nipple.

nipple stretchiness demo animation
soft, stretchy, squeezy.

Our proprietary combination of silicones is soft and compressible.
By replicating nursing, the mōmi nipple lets your baby suck, swallow, and breathe naturally.

bottle assembly demonstration
assembles in a hurry.

Our bottle has only three simple components—bottle, nipple, and collar. Because we’re modeled on the breast, there’s no need for small parts that get lost in the bottle shuffle.

how it works

see how mōmi works like nature to solve problems for moms and babies.
watch explainer video


Medela, Pump in Style, Lactina, Symphony, Freestyle, Harmony and Swing Pumps are registered trademarks of Medela Holding AG, Switzerland (“Medela”). Momtech Inc. (“Momtech") is an independent company and is not affiliated with Medela. Medela does not endorse Momtech products or compatibility claims.
